Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oscar Fever, Inception


“Inception,” written and directed by Christopher Nolan, is one of the most complicated sci-fi thrillers you will ever see. The basis is that professional thieves called “extractors” plague people’s dreams to steal information via a drug-induced sleep that is shared by two or more people while linked to a briefcase-sized dispenser. Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his team hire themselves out as the sleep thieves who risk pain and even permanent loss of consciousness while wandering through the surreal landscapes of other people’s dreams. Ultimately, Cobb wants to quit, but he is convinced to do one last job, the most dangerous yet, in exchange for having murder charges against him dropped, and being able to see his children once again. To do so, he has to execute an “inception”: fix an idea in someone’s head.

Nolan’s script is extraordinarily smart, and the rules of the dream world are consistent and logical. Every 10 minutes spent in the first level represents one week at the second level, six months at the third level, and an undefined time in limbo. Thus, a ten hour flight could potentially represent 35 years of aging in the third level, and more, if one were in limbo that whole time. Christopher Nolan proves once again that he is the most intelligent filmmaker working in Hollywood, crafting art out of genre vehicles like “The Dark Knight” and now “Inception.”

Positive - This movie is a wild ride! Definitely the best film I've seen in a long time. It keeps you guessing and guessing. The creativity and thought they put into this, it astounds me… How smart the writers have to be to put this together… it's hard to keep up! I love it, love it, love it. It makes you think about everything. I would even go a bit far and say that it’s the best Sci-fi movie of the decade. I can’t even imagine a movie as wonderful as Inception would be ever made again, that would be some work.

My score:- 10/10

P.S. If I were the jury I would pick Inception the best movie Hollywood has ever produced.

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